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面议 上海浦东新区 应届毕业生 学历不限
上海国际主题乐园有限公司 2024-09-04 11:43:36
面议 上海浦东新区 应届毕业生 学历不限
上海国际主题乐园有限公司 2024-09-04 11:43:36
游客服务经理 业务部门: 商品运营 工作地点-国家/地区: 上海,中国 职位介绍: 游客服务经理主要负责商店运营的日常工作,包括为游客提供优质的服务,并且带领整个团队完成财务指标。 工作内容:您将负责带领一家店铺或者一家大型店铺中一个部门的团队;您将依据上海迪士尼度假区安全流程,确保演职人员和游客的环境安全;您将坚持迪士尼基本理念,通过迪士尼领导力,为演职人员营造并维护积极向上的工作环境;您将鼓励和发展店铺主管、培训师及快乐主人,为新进演职人员和在职演职员工[DEX1] 提供入职培训和在岗培训;您将鼓励、表扬和发掘提供优质游客服务的演职人员。在店内以提供优质的游客服务作亲身示范,给予演职人员积极和有建设性的反馈;您将依照迪士尼标准进行演职人员绩效管理;您将使用迪士尼五大成功要素以促进优质的游客服务,关注安全、礼仪、包容、演出和效率;您将确保商品妥善陈列以达到迪士尼标准;您将监管商店内的商品库存情况,确保店面有充足的商品补给;您将带领团队关注数据分析、库存管理以及防损;您将管理每日人员排班情况,工作时长、以确保达到人员成本的预算目标;您将确保团队成员执行相关标准和流程; 您将支持和促进本地创新,监督其对演职人员和游客体验的影响,以及流程的改进;您将执行部门内部及与其他区域领导及同事、渠道规划、供应商、相关监管部门等跨部门的沟通与合作,以确保日常运营的顺利进行;您将支持创新,组织店铺级别活动;您将通过发掘商机、数据分析以提高店铺营业额和游客服务质量。 我们希望您:具有4年或以上游客服务(餐饮或者零售行业)的从业经验;具有2年或以上领导经验,且具备较高的领导能力;具备顾客服务的经验和能力;具备合作能力与良好的人际交往能力;拥有良好的应变能力,乐于自我发展和发展他人;能够接受灵活的工作时间安排(清晨、夜晚,包括可能的通宵、周末、节假日,旅游高峰期可能会加班)和非固定的工作地点(户内、户外以及乐园和迪士尼小镇内的特色商店[WOY2] );精通计算机软件(Excel, Word, Power Point),具有高效的沟通能力,包括具备清晰、准确和流利的中文口语和书面表达能力,英语良好者优先;拥有零售和服务相关资质或工作经验者优先;能够在各种不同情况下独立工作和决策的; 具备组织能力和时间管理能力 ; 具备监督和有效利用资源的能力,以完成日常的核心工作;具有大专及以上学历,具有本科学历者优先考虑 。 关于上海迪士尼度假区: 作为全球家庭娱乐业的领军企业之一,上海迪士尼度假区为我们的游客带来独具一格的服务和珍藏一生的记忆。加入我们,在这个充满奇幻、想象、创意和探险的全新世界里,为度假区游客创造欢乐。无论您的迪士尼旅程走向台前还是幕后,您都拥有无限机遇。 * 我们致力于提供平等的就业机会,欢迎残障人士申请职位。 * 具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 * 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。 Guest Service Manager Line of Business: Merchandise Location: Shanghai, China Job Summary: The Guest Service Manager is responsible for the daily operation of stores, to ensure the operating area achieves goals, providing world-class level of guest service and achieving financial targets. Key Responsibilities: You will serve as the leader of a store or a branch of a big store;You will ensure safe environment for all Cast Members and guests, following Shanghai Disney Resort safety procedures;You will follow basic Disney quality standards, create positive working environment for all Cast Members using Disney leadership;You will encourage and support the development of store lead, trainer and Host/Hostess, support new Cast Members onboarding training and existing Cast Members on job training;You will recognize Cast Members for their excellent guest service and give them positive and constructive feedback. Serve as the role model of the store;You will be in charge of Cast Members’ performance managing Disney standards;You will use the Disney Five Keys Basics to provide excellent guest service; Safety, Courtesy, Inclusion, Show and Efficiency;You will ensure Disney Visual Merchandising display standards;You will monitor stock inventory, ensuring sufficient products on the floor;You will be in charge of loss prevention, inventory managing and data analyzing with the team;You will manage shift arrangements and working hours and ensure staffing levels within the budget;You will make sure all team members follow related standards and procedures;You will support and localize innovation, supervise the effect on Cast Members and the guest experience and procedure improvement;You will communicate and partner within and across lines of business, including other area leaders, peers, Location Planning, vendors and related supervision departments to ensure smooth day-to-day operations;You will support innovation, and you will organize events or activities within the store;You will be able to find new business opportunities, analyze sales data to improve sales and guest service. Desired Qualifications: 4 or more years of experience in visitor services (food and beverage or retail industry).2 or more years of leadership experience with a high level of leadership skills.Experience and competency in customer service.Ability to work collaboratively with good interpersonal skills.Adaptability and willingness to develop themselves and others; Ability to be flexible with work schedule (early morning and night shifts, including over night shifts and shifts in holidays and weekends, extended hours in peak season) and work location (indoor, outdoor and specialty stores throughout park and town);Efficient computer skills (Excel, Word, Power Point) and communication skills in fluent Mandarin, both written and verbal. Fluent English is preferred;Experience or qualification in retail or service industry will be highly regarded;Able to work independently and to make decision in different situations;Strong organizational and time management abilities;Proven ability on monitoring and effective use of resources to implement daily core operation;College’s degree and above, Bachelor’s degree preferred. About Shanghai Disney Resort: As one of the worldwide leaders in family entertainment, Shanghai Disney Resort delivers legendary service and a lifetime of memories for our guests. Joining us in a new world of fantasy, imagination, creativity and adventure involves creating happiness for the millions of guests who visit our Resort each year. Whether your career journey here is onstage or backstage, there are almost unlimited opportunities for growth and personal development at Shanghai Disney. * We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities and welcome applications from candidates with disabilities. * Specific benefits vary between different roles and may be adjusted according to company policy. * Shanghai Disney Resort does not charge a fee to submit job applications and has not authorized any individual or company to charge to do so. Please always check our official channels or platforms for the most relevant recruitment information. [DEX1]Use Cast Members [WOY2] Do you refer to ‘特色商店’特殊商店 很奇怪 职能类别:门店经理/店长
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